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ISTDP's primary goal is to help people overcome internal resistance to experiencing true feelings about the present and past which have been warded off because they are either too frightening or too painful. The technique is intensive in that it aims to help the client experience these warded-off feelings to the maximum degree possible; it is short-term in that it tries to achieve this experience as quickly as possible.


My office is based in Vancouver, but I work with clients across the globe via Zoom/Skype or Facetime calls. My passion is helping people create a vision for "what's next", overcome obstacles and reach their goals for living a fulfilling next chapter.


I also provide therapy for out-of-town clients. In these cases, the entire course of treatment is generally conducted via two to three hour blocks over the course of a week or over a weekend. I also provide ISTDP therapy using Zoom,  Skype/FaceTime.


Francine Robinson is a graduate of the California Society for Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy Program. In addition to being a graduate, she has enrolled and completed a fourth year advanced training program. In my estimation, she is fully qualified to treat Psychoneurotic patients with this modality. On a personal level, she is a dedicated and diligent student of this methodology.

Many clinicians attempt to acquire the skills and knowledge of this approach and only a small percentage of them achieve the competency that Mrs Robinson has acquired. It is with great enthusiasm that I can wholeheartedly recommend Francine Robinson to any future patient or employer. The patient will be receiving care, a skilled empathic clinician who has the ability to help patients relinquish their unhealthly habits and achieve new more adaptive level of psychic organization.

Robert J. Neborsky, MD Clinical Professor of Psychiatry UCSD and UCLA (Hon) Schools of Medicine President Sourthern CA Society for IS-TDP Distinguished Life Fellow American Psychiatric Association


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