Testimonials & Endorsements

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Francine Robinson is a graduate of the California Society for Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy Program. In addition to being a graduate, she has enrolled and completed a fourth year advanced training program. In my estimation, she is fully qualified to treat Psychoneurotic patients with this modality. On a personal level, she is a dedicated and diligent student of this methodology.

Many clinicians attempt to acquire the skills and knowledge of this approach and only a small percentage of them achieve the competency that Mrs Robinson has acquired. It is with great enthusiasm that I can wholeheartedly recommend Francine Robinson to any future patient or employer. The patient will be receiving care, a skilled empathic clinician who has the ability to help patients relinquish their unhealthly habits and achieve new more adaptive level of psychic organization.

Robert J. Neborsky, MD Clinical Professor of Psychiatry UCSD and UCLA (Hon) Schools of Medicine President Sourthern CA Society for IS-TDP Distinguished Life Fellow American Psychiatric Association


As the ex-President of the Board of the Vancouver Civic Employee Assistance Society, Francine's past employer... it is a pleasure to endorse Francine as a committed and caring counsellor who has helped thousands of individuals and couples. She has experience working with a broad range of individuals with different backgrounds and experiences as can be expected among the City of Vancouver staff that ranges from rough and tumble labourers to senior directors overseeing the staff that contribute to making Vancouver one of the best places in the world to live. From this deep pool of experience she is able to connect with almost everybody and help guide them to a better place.

Francine's commitment, professionalism and counselling abilities shone through when I had to share with her that the Society was going to be wound down. Despite the uncertainty that lay in her future she continued to provide outstanding counselling services. How do I know? The Society was committed to confidentiality. However, many staff, who were so happy with their experience, took the time and courage to break with confidentiality and write to me as a society board member about their experience and how Francine had helped them change their lives. She has done it for many others and I am confident that she can help you with any challenges in your life. 

Andrew Ross, President Emeritus, Board, Vancouver Civic Employee Assistance Society


Francine Robinson is based in Vancouver, Canada and travels extensively and essentially as a result, is experienced doing Skype therapy. She's smart, compassionate and her clients improve.

Deborah Young, MD, San Deigo, CA, USD


I have had serious problems with rage and anxiety as far back as I can remember. Working with Francine has allowed me to identify the reasons behind both, learn to move them out of my way, and make definitive progress towards recovery. Client


 I came to know Francine Robinson 14 years ago when I sought out counselling through the City of Vancouver’s Employee Assistance Program.  Sometimes life is bigger than what we can manage on our own, and I have always appreciated Francine’s compassionate and straight-forward approach.   By listening, asking skillful questions, and by holding me accountable, Francine continues to guide me on a journey of self-discovery for which I am truly grateful.  Client


"I was a client with Francine for over 3 years. She supported me in working
through my anxiety and negative self image. She helped me with cultivating
a healthy paradigm on life and provided me with the tools I needed in order
to handle everyday challenges with equanimity. I would highly recommend her
services to anyone who may be going through some rough patches in their
life."  Client


"Francine was instrumental in helping me find a way to get over my past and move forward with my goals. I was a lost, 22 year old girl, and she helped me realize what held me back, how to face, cope with, and overcome my problems, and how to discover what I wanted to pursue in my life. I would certainly not be where I am, doing what I want, without her wisdom and guidance." Client


Hi Francine,I just wanted to tell you how much freer I felt after our session yesterday.  I went outside and the wind was blowing blossoms all around.  It looked like it was sunny and snowing at the same time, and I started laughing - what a great Feeling!  Thank you! Client 















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